@GELATINASDELPHI #ProductosDelphi #LaGelatinadelPeru #Postresenpolvo Gelatina Delphi,La Gelatina del Perú! disfrútala en nuestros deliciosos sabores Fresa🍓, Naranja🍊, Piña🍍
ventas@productosdelphi.com Pedidos y ventas a nivel nacional, teléfonos: 5764892 - 999090503 //////////////////////////////// @GELATINASDELPHI #ProductosDelphi #LaGelatinadelPeru #Postresenpolvo Este Verano disfruta de los deliciosos sabores de Gelatinas Delphi Piña🍍Naranja🍊 Fresa🍓 Pedidos, teléfonos fijo 576-4892 móvil 999-090-503 ventas@productosdelphi.com Distribución y pedidos a nivel nacional - Producto Peruano http://www.productosdelphi.com https://www.facebook.com/GELATINASDELPHI #LaGelatinadelPeru #ProductosDelphi #gelatinafresaperu #gelatinas #gelatinafresa #gelatinanaranja #gelatinapiña #recetasgelatina #tortagelatina #gelatinasenpolvo #ventasgelatina #gelatina ******************************************************************** Music: The copyright to all Purple Planet music always remains with us, purple-planet.com, regardless of what you use it for or what type of licence it is used under. All our music is written, performed and produced exclusively by us, purple-planet.com. You cannot state that you own our music, or that anyone else owns it, or that you or anyone else has the rights to use it, or that you composed it and/or performed it. You cannot make our music available for download or tell others that they can do so. You cannot resell it in any form, or tell others that they can do so. You cannot redistribute it in any form aside from its part in your production. Diseño: Agencia PixartPrint https://www.facebook.com/pixartprint/
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